
Core investigators

Ullasa Kodandaramaiah
The Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram [IISER]
Tan Pham
Ph.D. student
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Shabani Selemani
Ph.D. student
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan

Regional collaborators

Liberia, Ghana, and Angola

Safi (Szabolcs Sáfián)

Major specialist of African butterfly systematics and ecology. Here seen exploring Entabeni radio hilltop in Limpopo.


Indukala K
She is working on a related project aiming to understand adaptations to host-plant traits in common evening brown butterflies and other satyrines. She will be comparing phenotypic plasticity and other traits among different Indian populations,
PhD student at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER TVM)
Tarunkishwor Yumnam
He is working on a related project aiming to understand phenotypic plasticity in common evening brown butterflies and other satyrines. He will be looking at how humidity during rearing affects Phenotypic Plasticity.
PhD student at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER TVM)
Sucheta Ganguly She is working with SARISHA WILDLIFE AND ECOLOGY SOCIETY helping with butterfly sampling and construction of butterfly traps.

South Africa

University of Venda

Dawn Cory-Toussaint
Ecologist, bat biologist, and butterfly enthusiast. Sampling butterflies on two transects at Kremetart Farm near Waterpoort.

  • Stefan Foord
  • Colin Schoeman
  • Elroy Sekgoka Mathope
  • Jessica Phamela

Lajuma & Berplaas Research Stations

Aljosha Daele Photographer. Monthly sampling of butterflies.

Lapalala Wildnerness

Marlize Greyling, Monthly monitoring of butterflies.
Website: (still in progress)


Turkana Basin Institute

  • Dino Martins []

National Museums of Kenya []

  • Esther Kioko

African Butterfly Research Institute (ABRI)

  • Steve Collins